Data Protection

Here at Kennedy Burchill we take your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to assist us
with the preparation of your will.

Why we collect your data.

We collect any relevant Data that is required to ensure we give you best advice regarding the construction of
your Will and ensuring the contents of your Will reflect your wishes.

We DO NOT share your data with third parties for Marketing purposes, we use the service of self employed
advisors and administration team all who are legally bound to us not to share or use your data for any other
purposes other than as detailed in the paragraph above.

What Data Are we collecting.

This data will include (where relevant) contact details, and details of your employment, assets and liability and
details of dependants. We will also need details of Guardians, Executors and parties relating to Powers of
Attorney etc.

How Long do we keep your data

We will keep your data for a maximum of 12 months following notice that you no longer wish to use our
services, in the event that you have opted for the Free Will service this is 12 months from the date your will is

We will keep minimum data where we are required to do so by any relevant law.

We are registered with the ICO as required by the Data Protection Act and our Data Controller is Ian Forsythe,
for any data subject access requests or any other information regarding your data please contact Ian Forsythe
at the following:

Omagh Business Complex,
Great Northern Road,
BT78 5LU
028 8225 9838